A new year and feeling Absolutely Fabulous
As we are rapidly propelled into 2016 we, at 1st Option, were reflecting on the last year and found a great way to recap through @adollworldafterall, who’s instagram pics of famous celeb moments are re-enacted with Barbie dolls!
Being closet Beiber fans (resistance was futile!), our personal fav was this one of JB getting papped on his hotel balcony in Bora Bora, all modesty kept in tact, obviously!
So, that lead us onto thinking of our own highlight of last year and it, hands down, must be the new Ab Fab movie being filmed at our exclusive location, Archer.
The girls in the office were lucky enough to go on set, they’re sworn to secrecy but lets just say it lives up to the name, sweetie!
Well, maybe just a little sneaky peek then…..