Working From Home – We’re Still Obsessed with Interiors…
Isolation and social distancing are in full effect and I’ve got my laptop, chocolate and coffee supply at the ready! In these uncertain times it’s important to remain as positive as we can and most importantly take the necessary precautions to stay safe.
It’s a difficult time for all industries and individuals right now, and we just want everyone to know here at 1st Option we are taking this situation extremely seriously, and doing our upmost to follow the government’s advice. Self-isolation or not; we’re still carrying on, available to chat and here if you need us on the same number and emails! This is a new and alien time for us all, particularly working from home being locked away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world feels strange. But where there is a will there is a way- I’m very positive we will all get through this!
After working from home I’ve put together my 3 top tips I’ve found have really aided my productivity:
Getting up and getting ready for the day! Just waking up, staying in PJ’s and lying in bed for the day I found is counterproductive. Now I’m not saying whack on a suit or a full face of makeup but getting up and getting ready definitely makes for a more productive mind set.
Writing a to-do list! It’s easy to just get caught up with going with the flow but I’ve found it’s definitely more helpful having a set list of tasks that need to be completed.
Fresh air! Very important. Don’t stay in the house all day, even if it’s just roaming around in the garden, fresh air and exercise are vital for a good and healthy mindset.
As I said, we’re keeping our doors open and we’re just phone call or email away if you need us! As a community both nationally and worldwide we will get through this difficult time together. So make sure everyone stay’s safe, follows government advice and don’t forget to wash those hands! J
Nina-Jade x